Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 24 Jul 2015, 22:17

there is no official C1 thread yet, so I just put this information here.
Hardkernel has been struck by a major C1 sale in June, leaving them without stock until the middle of August.
Good news for them, but certainly also good news for us.
They now seem to push ahead with a revised C1, Hardkernel calls it the C1+.
Several features have been published on the Odroid user forum, you can follow the
announcements here:
Main difference (for us) to the previous version is the pinout for I2S with corresponding driver support.
They will have their own audio board, and knowing HK from their pricing policy, probably for a very competitive price.
Details have not been published yet.
More info also here:

Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 27 Jul 2015, 08:37

Today Hardkernel published pictures of the C1+ with the HiFi DAC shield.
Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby ACX » 27 Jul 2015, 11:34

The I2S pinout is just the cherry on top of a very interesting board with a great performance+features/price ratio. Looking forward to personally test one.
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 28 Jul 2015, 22:42

Hi Gé,

that is really good news for the I2S fans. I will stick to my USB DAC, so no need for an upgrade, but for me this means there is no real reason to stick with Pi2 if you want to use it as music player or video player given that CEC works ow, too. One thing will spoil the party a little bit:

The price Pollin will charge for the new model, it will be at least 6 to 9 Euros more expensive than the Pi2.

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 29 Jul 2015, 07:10

Hi Uwe,
that might be true, and in case the specs for the PI had been the same as for the C1, that would have been a real spoiler. The C1 has a quad core 1.5Ghz CPU and a gigabit ethernet connection, which in my opinion compensates the higher price a little.
Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 29 Jul 2015, 20:23

Hi Gé,

I already was willing to spend 6 € more for the original C1 because of the Gigabyte Ethernet (which in my opinion makes the decision between C1 and the U3 easy) and the fact that it does not have the Pi2's shortcomings in terms of data travel via USB and thought it was the better deal. Now with the new specification it is a no brainer like the Americans would say. But the fact that they work with only one retailer in Europe leads to the fact that the similarity in $ pricing between the two boards is not reflected in the € pricing. I still think it is better value for money.


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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 29 Jul 2015, 21:00

It appears that Europe does have a 2nd distributor: Lilliput in the UK. We even have a local one in Switzerland. Unfortunately, their prices are not any better then Pollin's, the Swiss dealer should even be ashamed (10CHF for the original heatsink!!).
In my case, Pollin at least has the decency to take the 19% MwSt (VAT) off before shipping, which makes the price, despite double the shipping charges, more or less the same in DE and CH.
Lilliput refuses to.

So, before we both get told off, let's get back on-topic :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 11 Aug 2015, 08:27

It's now official: Hardkernel has released the Odroid C1+ and HiFi shield combo.
For more information refer to

Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 12 Aug 2015, 00:30

Hi all,

i have made a new image for this combo (Odroid C1+ and HiFi shield).
It sounds very good so far (tested up to 24/192).
It will be soon available here.

please can you test it (i'll send you a link tomorrow).

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 12 Aug 2015, 07:21

Hi Frank,
excellent news :D :D :D :D
I will do the testing as soon as I'm home on Saturday, seems to become a busy weekend ;)

Btw, pollin.de lists the C1+ on their website now, though no HiFi shield yet.

Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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