by Tinitus » 19 Jan 2016, 00:34
Hi Frank,
I did clone the drive sdb as a whole I thought that would also copy the bootloader. I use two different C1s. I inserted the clone into the device I have as a spare. In order to do a cross check I inserted the cloned card into the original C1 and it worked. I then set the fixed ip address to a different value from the original card (in order to be able to run the two C1s in parallel (one for listening to music, one in order to try out the pipe out) and stuck it into the spare C1 again it did not work (no connection and the light of the wifi dongle did not flash). It did connect neither via LAN nor WLAN. I then checked the spare C1 with a Volumio installtion on a third SD card and it worked. So it seems that both C1s are fine (no problem with the hardware). But the cloned card does only work with the C1 from which I took the original RuneAudio installation. May it be that somewhere on the SD card there is information about the MAC address and because the MAC address on the cloned card does not fit the MAC address of the spare C1 I run in this kind of trouble. Maybe I should just install RuneAudio from scratch. Problem is I will then have to redo all the modifications I have done on the installation I already have. On the other hand it might be faster than finding out why the cloned card does not work in a second C1.
Best Regards
Thanks for your quick answer to my initial post Have a good night