Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby thanhvo31 » 15 May 2015, 12:52

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby ACX » 18 May 2015, 00:03

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 18 May 2015, 19:32


well guys that would be nice if it was going to happen. I did contact hardkernel and their German distibutor with a similar request and never got an answer. If You Frank could get RuneAudio going on the C1, that would be great. Please do not forget to implement mpd with a possible pipe out. I will have to ask Da Alchimist how he implemente brutefir. I was told that mpd's pipe out does not contain any information about the data (like bit and samplerate). If I got RuneAudio with brutefir to work than it would be time to buy a UMIK an do some recordings in order to create the filters. I am not sure whether in that case it would be better to pipe out to sox convert everything to 24/192 in order to have only one filter in brutefir. Well good that that I just ordered a second C1 in order to be able to tinker with it while the other one renders music to my DAC.

The future might be bright :)

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 20 May 2015, 19:48

Hi Tinitus,

I don't own a C1 (yet, but plan to buy one). Perhaps look at this thread , it seems we face similar issues. I hope to be 1 or 2 steps past "arch linux noob", so curious to see, if we can solve this by using the X2.

Cheers - Gé
Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 26 May 2015, 00:40

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 26 May 2015, 10:22

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby thanhvo31 » 26 May 2015, 16:42

So fast. Testing and report soon. Thanks.

But wait ... prefer some mirror since your bandwidth varied from 1.4M to 45K/s.. ;)
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 26 May 2015, 18:59


That is a mightily fast service. Thank you, Sir (Frank). I am really chuffed. Hope I will be able to test soon. Infrared would be just to turn the C1 on and off? The signal over HDMI would be a "normal" audio signal no I2S over HDMI? No problem I use USB anyway to get the signal to my DAC. Thanks again

On my way to download

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 26 May 2015, 21:55

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 26 May 2015, 21:59

Hi Frank,

my feedback so far:

connected the C1 via Ethernet and set a fixed IP address for wifi after I had looked for the ip address given by my router. By the way could not find which was the local address to use in order to log in.
Set all my settings like I want them to be set. Shut down.
Hooked it up to my USB drive and my DAC and put the C1 on, could get a short connection via my laptop to the wifi ip address, then lost connection.
Tried to ssh into Runeaudio but go the password for the root user wrong. If you could provide this to me that would be awfully nice. So the C1 was contacted and found but access was denied. Tried to get a connection through my iphone but that failed, too. Then I used Mpod and found the C1. Connection was stable and I got the database update screen, but the bar which indicates the progress of the update did not change colour (meaning there was no progress) there was also no time indicated for the completion of the update. So I guess there is a problem with the update....
Well forget everything I just wrote, seems like the 2x 300 GB of music on my USB drive took some 45 min to find their way into the mpd database.
I still have questions galore:
Is there a Ramdisk? /mnt/shm or /run/shm? Which is its size? I have already worked with 640 MB and that worked. I prefer to play my files from Ram works a treat for 16/44.1 with big HiRes-files I normally put them on the eMMc (16 GB), which I would like to enter into fstab and integrate it into the mpd database via a Symlink or do I need to put it into the Volume folder an if so, how can I do that? Those two features are essential to me. Once I will get those up and running I will try your pipe out version and brutefir, too. So far so cool :D .
Just found the password on the github website. Sometimes thinking some time before doing something really helps. If you could tell me

if there is a Ramdisk, where it is set up and where to change its size to 640 MB


how to integrate the Ramdisk and my eMMc into the mpd database (my suspicion is you do not use Symlinks but do it via the Volume method (if I may call it that way) which I am not familiar with but I would prefer to keep the same logic.

From what I wrote so far people may easily deduct that the few Linux I know I learned it while tinkering with Volumio (not strictly true because i also started building something on my own and used ArchLinux as a base).

So I can't tell you whether sonically there is a difference between the two. Volumio took less time to read the databases for the first time (might be due to the different ways multiple storages places are linked into the mpd database) but that is not important for me.
I admit I do not know much about Linux but for a lean and mean OS for Audio I would prefer ArchLinux over Debian. The fact that the RuneAudio image is 2 GB and Volumio image is 3.5 GB tells me I might not be completely wrong in that respect. I like the colour scheme of RuneAudio much better (I own a Audio GD DAC and Preamplifier which use the same type of blue in the LEDs) and my personal impression is that people in this forum are little more technical and on the leading edge. Nevertheless may both projects thrive.

I just came across a new issue, music is still playing, my router tells me that WLAN of C1's ip address is still up but I cannot get a connection neither by iphone, laptop computer at runeaudio.local. or Mpod nor via ssh through iphone or putty through laptop. The blue LED of the USB wifi adaptor is on permanently (when running Volumio it is flashing). With Volumio, too I often lost connection but I was always able to reestablish a connection (easiest way per ssh or Mpod) worked better than the WebUI.

This as a first feedback

PS Music just stopped and still I was not able to establsih a connection, so I pulled the plug, reconnected got a connection and it was again lost after 2 min

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