Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 27 May 2015, 21:58

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby birca1987 » 28 May 2015, 19:11

Hi, tried to download the image, and when extract it with 7zip i get 0.img file,with winrar cannon extract it, so there is something with the image, can you give an alternative download link?
Thank a lot.
Got it, had to rename file.img.gz to file.img and wrote it to sd card and it booted :)
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 28 May 2015, 19:41

Hi Frank,

I thought it was strange that the device tried to load the driver for the wifi adapter twice. I tried your proposal to switch off the power save mode and that did not work. I then modified the boot.ini according to your proposal that did not help either. I then did exclude the ip addresses I use for static connections from the list of possible addresses awarded via dhcp this did not help either. But for the first time Runeaudio reconnected to the network, beforehand it only went and I was not able to reconnect once the connection was lost. I have both devices running now, one with Volumio and one with Runeaudio and I opened Mpod there is a page which shows you the signal strength of all devices running an mpd server with a wifi connection. Runeaudio was up for about 20 min. Volumio still has a connection half an hour later. I might have network problems (although neither my iphone nor my laptop running either W7 or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ever get wifi drop outs) given the fact that although the device running Volumio is connected to the network it does not show up in the routers list of connected devices whereas the Runeaudio device shows up even if I am not able to connect to it. bonjour is installed under W7. May this be due to the fact that I set the static ip in Volumio by editing the file /etc/network/interfaces whereas I edited the static ip in Runeaudio through the WebUI? By the way I was not able to give it a secondary DNS address, is this absolutely necessary?

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 28 May 2015, 21:03

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 28 May 2015, 21:53

Hi Tinitus,

i tried a few other APs (NETGEAR, FRITZBOX) and now i'm able to reproduce your issues.
So please give me a few hours to fix the problems.

Sorry for the trouble you have with this new image.

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 28 May 2015, 22:19

Hi Frank,

no need to be sorry. Doing some testing is the only thing I am able to contribute to this project. I am using a speedport.

By the way I did not have any problems with the download or unzipping of the image file.

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 29 May 2015, 00:36

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 29 May 2015, 10:57

Hi Frank,

do you mean this: (from ArchLinux Wiki about wireless Network configuration)



The driver is now in the kernel, but many users have reported being unable to make a connection although scanning for networks does work.

Package 8192cu-dkmsAUR in the AUR includes many patches, try this if it does not work fine with the driver in kernel. "

I thought I did not have Problems with that because I did not have Problems with my personal ArchLinux Trials. Would it be worthwhile tying a different dongle and do you know a type of dongle whch does not give Problems?

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 29 May 2015, 11:22

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby thanhvo31 » 29 May 2015, 12:25

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