Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 30 May 2015, 10:59

Hi Frank,

reverted to a previous version of my image and re-applied the changes.
HDMI audio out should be working now, it does not throw any errors.

The network issue is strange and I believe this is an existing problem in RuneAudio, my Odroid-X2 has the same problem.
I have a static address, but as a secondary IP. I do not know where this is configured, but DHCP is still there.

Let's test wireless first

Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 30 May 2015, 11:50

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 30 May 2015, 11:59


slightly off topic can I use the disk imager to create an image of my installation as it is as aback up before venturing into the realm of pipe out and upsampling and room correction filters?


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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby hondagx35 » 30 May 2015, 12:18


yes you can use something like Win32DiskImager to backup your image.
The only thing that could happen is, that it may not fit back on the sd card.
You then can try an other card or shrink it slightly before restoring.

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 30 May 2015, 14:05

Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 30 May 2015, 23:12

Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby thanhvo31 » 31 May 2015, 04:05

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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby gkkpch » 31 May 2015, 10:51

I played around with the samplerate_converter parameter and it can make a big difference with the Fiio E18 (max 24bit/96kHz):
Testfile: Stereo, dsd bit, 352.8 kHz, 2822 kbps

samplerate_converter "0" (Best Sinc Interpolator) ==> unusable
samplerate_converter "1" (Medium Sinc Interpolator) ==> clicks, hickups
samplerate_converter "2" (Fastest Sinc Interpolator) ==> plays without problems, quality suffers but still OK (audible when using headphones)

MPD obviously defaults to something else, because when I leave the samplerate_converter parameter out, it is not like anyof the 3. It only skips every couple of seconds.

@Thanh: why it would do that already with 44.1kHz track I don't know. Could you set mpd logging to "verbose" and see what you get for output?

btw. the Fiio E18 makes my system crash completely when I try to play a 24bit, 44.1kHz track (format=S24_3LE).

Odroid-C1+, 8Gb eMMC, 8Gb µSD with 32bit/384Khz Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)
Odroid-C1, 8Gb µSD with DAC: XMOS 384K/32bit USB (PCM5102)
Other: 24bit/192Khz Audiophonics DAC Sabre ES9023 I2S
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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby Tinitus » 05 Jun 2015, 08:48


I just want to share the observation that when I connect with my iPhone using the IP address the connection is stabler than when I use rune audio,local I don't know why this is the case but it isn't a real problem as the connection using the IP address is ok


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Re: Port Runeaudio to Odroid C1 (Arm v7)

Postby thanhvo31 » 06 Jun 2015, 02:36

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