Possibility to run RuneAudio in Multicast 'linked' mode?

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Possibility to run RuneAudio in Multicast 'linked' mode?

Postby Samsonite801 » 17 Sep 2016, 18:12

I was just curious if RuneAudio has ability to have multiple instances (devices) clustered to play back single audio stream in sync?

Or if not perhaps this could be considered for future implementation...

For example, one device could operate as a 'master' (repeating out a multicast stream over Ethernet) while the other physical devices can latch on to it as slaves and play the stream in sync?

Or as an alternative to using multicast streaming, the various devices can all just access the same file source (the shared NAS folder), and use their NTP time sync to play the same file in sync so multiple rooms will hear the same thing.

Or something to that effect?

And use a single point of control via the web interface (accessed by any of the IP's of any of the devices)..

Does this sound feasible?
Posts: 13
Joined: 10 Sep 2016, 22:20

Re: Possibility to run RuneAudio in Multicast 'linked' mode?

Postby hondagx35 » 17 Sep 2016, 19:11

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Re: Possibility to run RuneAudio in Multicast 'linked' mode?

Postby Samsonite801 » 18 Sep 2016, 18:33

Sounds exciting!

Has Snapcast since that post, been integrated in the RuneAudio GUI yet? Or is there some manual procedure to get it fired up on this platform?
Posts: 13
Joined: 10 Sep 2016, 22:20

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