In Android Chrome the timeknob and volumeknob in the playback Window sometimes appear a second or so after the rest of the window and in some cases one or both knobs doesn't appear at all, until I refresh the browser or change the phone orientation to landscape and back. I can't pinpoint a specific cause for that, it appears to happen now and then.
I have fiddled a bit with the UI so maybe I have caused this problem locally so if others are *not* seeing this issue then that is good to know, But if this is a more general issue then I'm curious if there's anything to do to prevent it. Can something be tweaked so RuneAudio checks more agressively that the knobs are visible at all times when the playback window is open?
As a sidenote refreshing is quick and easy to do in an Android Chrome tab. However if I also tried saving a shortcut to RuneAudio to the Android homescreen from Chrome and that shortcut opens up what android says is a "web app", a standalone window with no url bar and no menu with refresh button.