Unable to play sound [Raspberry Pi 1 and Monoprice DAC AMP]

Raspberry Pi related support

Unable to play sound [Raspberry Pi 1 and Monoprice DAC AMP]

Postby thatoneguy » 08 Dec 2015, 21:57


Unfortunately, I'm unable to play any sound using RuneAudio via a Raspberry Pi 1, with a Monoprice DAC/AMP combo. I have sound files on a usb drive, which is detected by RuneAudio. I've checked the Audio Output settings and set it to USB DAC, then switched it back and forth between it and Analog out, as I'd seen on the forum here that could be a solution. Sadly, no dice. I double checked the audio settings, and even changed through each kernel, being sure to reboot the Pi and clearing my browser twice before attempting to test again. The main issue is I will be able to see the song title, album cover, and time, but for some reason the time on each song will sit at 0:00 at 0kbps. I thought perhaps there was an issue with the files themselves, so I shutdown the Pi, pulled the flash drive, and listened to the files, all good there. So I'm stuck. Any help would be appreciated.

Debug Info here:

Thanks again.
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