Pops only on 24bit/96Khz Content

Raspberry Pi related support

Pops only on 24bit/96Khz Content

Postby alxjalmeida » 11 Dec 2015, 05:05

Runeaudio Community,

I have been researching this for a couple days now and have seen some threads around this issue and have tried all of the tweaks mentioned in those posts.

My specific question revolves around Pops heard only when listening to 24/96 content on RuneAudio 0.3 Beta running on a Raspberry Pi 1 connected via USB to a Peachtree Audio DAC in a nova65se.

In regards to the research I have tried increasing Audio Buffer size, I have switched to OrionV2, and I have also tried increasing both the Rsize and Wsize of the source CIFS mount that is serving up the 24/96 FLAC files.

I have also ssh'd into RuneOS and run top and I am nowhere near maximizing the CPU resources of the Pi. Its at about 20% while playing.

Am I simply hearing the limitations of Pi hardware being able to feed High Rez content to my Peachtree DAC?

I have posted the Debug Output Here:

Thanks so much in advance for the help, really like this project and want to help make it successful!
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Joined: 16 Jan 2015, 16:56

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