About RaspberryPI2 default audio output....

Raspberry Pi related support

About RaspberryPI2 default audio output....

Postby andre_chang » 01 Feb 2016, 15:06

Hi Rune audio development team:

I would like to ask whether the MPD CONFIGURATION Audio Output interface "RaspberryPi Analog - > Out" & "RaspberryPi HDMI Out"
These two options are set to disabled when the system is on, and are displayed as "no" on the web browser "

Because I believe that the two options will be closed to reduce the burden of CPU Pi2, and the sound effect will be even better! (though it is now very good!
And after closing the two functions, insert device USB still can identify the USB device and play.

I am currently using the bata0.3 is UI version

Thanks to the rune team to develop such a beautiful ^_^.

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Joined: 01 Feb 2016, 13:27

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