Raspberry Pi 1 EXT4 Support

Raspberry Pi related support

Raspberry Pi 1 EXT4 Support

Postby teaforone » 14 May 2016, 19:36

Hi Folks,
I am using the "RuneAudio_rpi_0.3-beta_20141029" build on a Raspberry Pi 1. I am currently using an external USB hard drive (500Gb Western Digital) which is formatted as NTFS and contains FLAC files which were ripped from CD using dbpoweramp. Everything is detected and plays perfectly fine with Rune via the web interface.

My preference is to use the EXT4 format rather than NTFS (I don't use Windows at all) but when I format my external USB hard drive to EXT4, the Rune UI Web interface, DOES see the drive and folders but it DOES NOT display any music files (FLAC or OGG) even though they are present. I have tried rebuilding the library and rebooting but it makes no difference. The EXT4 partition was created/formatted in Linux Mint 17.3 using the Disks utility but I even tried creating the partition in Rune via SSH and mkfs.ext4. But again, even though Rune UI can see the music folders, it cannot see the music files. All folders and music files are visible and playable in Linux Mint.

Has anyone else successfully used an external USB drive which has been formated as EXT4 with a Rpi1 and Rune?

If anyone has nay tips I can try, I'd really appreciate it.

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Joined: 17 Mar 2015, 15:12

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