Shuffle lock

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Shuffle lock

Postby cinbody » 27 May 2016, 03:05

First time poster, soon to be user.

I looked though the Feature Requests back about a year and saw some similar things:


If I may add an idea to them (for the android client specifically but likely applies to all clients):

The ideal "listening mode" for me is the complete library randomly but when
it hits something I'm in the mood for I'd like to be able to "stop at that level"
with "that level" being either genre/artist/album. Whether or not to continue
randomly is already available as a button, but having those other three buttons
(lock genre || lock artist || lock album) also available on the playback display
would be a huge benefit. I realize not everyone would like this so maybe an
option for which playback control buttons are displayed. Maybe even as a single
button that you repeatedly press until you get the "lock mode" you want
(unlocked || lock genre || lock artist || lock album) .

Thank you to the dev team for their hard work.

(TL:DR,.. back story)
I am waiting on hardware (RPI-3) but have been researching solutions to a good mobile audio system for some time now
(literally years). I thought when I got a new car with SYNC that my problems were solved. Sadly, while SYNC is pretty
on the surface it seems to fall flat when pushed a little bit. Even after market head units really don't offer too much
flexibility, hence (once again) I have embarked on a DIY project. I plan to have an RPI with a large USB thumb drive
hosting the music files, connected to AUX on head unit and controlled via WIFI and phone running Runeaudio.
Posts: 1
Joined: 27 May 2016, 02:37

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