7" Touch Screen sensitivity

Raspberry Pi related support

7" Touch Screen sensitivity

Postby trumpy81 » 15 Sep 2016, 11:50

GDay All,

I just added a 7" Touch Screen to my RPi3 and I have a minor issue with it. The sensitivity of the touch screen towards the top and bottom of the screen is a little lacking, which means I have to double or triple tap on the Library, Playback, Queue tabs and also on the Stop, Play buttons.

I believe I read somewhere, that these screens need to be calibrated, but I'm not sure how to do that.

Could someone point me in the right direction, if indeed the screen needs to be calibrated.

Also, I noticed when attempting to create a playlist, the on screen keyboard covers the text input box, so you can't see what you are typing in.

Are there any workarounds for that or is it possible to move the text input box towards the top of the dialogue so that it is above the on screen keyboard?

I am using the official Raspberry Pi Foundation 7" Touch Screen that has a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels and RuneAudio 0.4 for the RPi3.

Any help would be appreciated.
Andy M

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B + 7" Touch Screen + ABS enclosure - Raspberry Pi 2 Model B + Wavshare 7" IPS + HiFiberry DAC+ Pro + Bicolor Case - Synology DS1813+ with 8 x 4TB
Posts: 31
Joined: 10 Sep 2016, 13:11

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