RuneAudio in Terminal mode w/ RPi3 and HiFiBerry Amp+

Raspberry Pi related support

RuneAudio in Terminal mode w/ RPi3 and HiFiBerry Amp+

Postby AtlanticBchBum » 12 Dec 2016, 20:30

I am working on a streaming music system for use in a friends coin laundries. I started with a RPi3 and a HiFiBerry Amp+. I want to use Rume Audio for the player system, but I want to run it in terminal mode. The reason being, I also want to use a PBX software system to run a Remote Intercom System to be able to speak to and hear the customers. I plan to write code to allow a desktop icon to be clicked to open the intercom and be able to send an interrupt to the music player to stop the music while the conversation is going on. Will Rune Audio run in terminal mode, and since it is open source I presume I can write code to get it to respond to an interrupt, is that correct?
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