USB DAC detection

Raspberry Pi related support

USB DAC detection

Postby treponema » 26 Apr 2017, 22:51

I am facing troubles with USB DAC detection after switching DAC ON/OFF.
I am running Raspberry Pi 3 continously with no switchnig off, but I switch off DAC as it is in trigger mode and switches off and on as slave according preamplifier and power amplifier switch on/off. After switching DAC off and on, Rune audio does not detect DAC, an option USB DAC disappears from drop down menu of devices. The only way how to detect USB DAC again is to restart Raspberry while DAC is switch on.
After restart DAC appears in menu again and Rune aduio working fine then.

I have find similiar issues on google with Volumio, but the systems seems to be different based on google information.
Any ideas ?

I would like to stay with Rune audio as it is fantastic solution for me.
Thanks all in advance for everybody help.

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Joined: 26 Apr 2017, 22:25

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