[SOLVED]Need Help with Cover art

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[SOLVED]Need Help with Cover art

Postby PierreG64 » 12 May 2017, 19:48

Sorry for the inconvenience but I have a problem with the display of the album covers.
And if i need to program something consider that i'm a newbie and be patient if i don't undertstand in first time.
The coverart who is show on runeaudio is an image is not (in some case) the real image embedded in each audio files of my NAS

My material: raspberry pi3 with runeaudio 0.4b of 2017, and a pitft 3.5
Nas Synology 216j
Dac USB Teac
All connected on a routeur Freebox

I have all my audio files on the NAS Synology 216j. The Setting is on NFS.

The music folder is shared with the following settings:

Host name or ip: 192.168.x.xx
Privilege: Read/Write
Squash: No mapping (i tried with "all user mapping on admin" but after that my nas wasn't recognise by Runeaudio. Just "no mapping" work for me)
Security: sys

I checked: activ asynchrone mode

The settings on RuneAudio (the only things who works for me, otherwise my Nas wasn't recognise)

In sources:
Source Name: MyMusicNas
Fileshare Protocol: NFS
IP Adress: 192.168.x.xx
Remote Directory: volume1/music

Advanced Options:
Charset: UTF8
Rsize: 16384
Wsize: 17408
Mount Flags: nfsvers=3,ro (i tried to change with "nfsvers=3,noserverino,ro" but don't word for me, after that my Nas wasn't recognise)

Daemon user: group root:root

All my audio files are embedded with image files (cover art), and, As they did not show up I added the image under the name Folder.jpg in each additional audio folder.
But the problem is the same, the coverart who is show on runeaudio is an image of internet and not the real image embedded in each audio files of my NAS.
After all change i rebuild MPD library... But no change.
Is someone have a solution for me?

Thanks by advance.
Posts: 26
Joined: 11 Jun 2015, 20:46

Re: [SOLVED]Need Help with Cover art

Postby PierreG64 » 15 May 2017, 13:03

The Answer: A bad configuration of NFS on my NAS Synology.
For those who have the same problem:

in Control Panel/shared folder/music
In "Permissions", verify if on the line "admin", read/write is checked.
After in "Autorisations NFS"
I have the configuration like this:

Hostname or IP: 192.168.x.xx (it's the ip of my runeaudio)
Privilege: Read/Write
Squash: Mapping all users on admin
Security: sys

And check all after (mode asynchrone...)

Thank's for all the Runeaudio Team!
I'm very happy now! All work like i want.
Posts: 26
Joined: 11 Jun 2015, 20:46

Re: [SOLVED]Need Help with Cover art

Postby hondagx35 » 15 May 2017, 16:08

Hi PierreG64,

glad to hear that you found a solution.

Thank you for posting this it for sure will be helpful for others.

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Re: [SOLVED]Need Help with Cover art

Postby PierreG64 » 15 May 2017, 18:49

Posts: 26
Joined: 11 Jun 2015, 20:46

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