Seeking RPi programmer

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Seeking RPi programmer

Postby BMFOnlineEd » 22 May 2017, 07:31

Hi all... I'm with the Bob Moog Foundation, a non-profit headed up by Bob's daughter, Michelle Moog-Koussa.

I'm in charge of an initiative to develop educational hardware to support our Dr. Bob's SoundSchool, an elementary science of sound curriculum incorporating music and electronic music technology.

I have a hardware guy who has gotten us to the alpha stage with our first device, but his software knowledge is not sufficient to make it do what we need it to do.

I'm hoping to find a programmer in pay-it-forward mode to get our device to do some very basic tasks. While there is no funding available for remuneration at present, there is the potential for some form of compensation if we can get our first device into small-scale production.

The master plan is to create a system of devices that would tie in to our base unit, and if we are successful in reaching that goal, there is the potential for considerable revenue in the future.

Anyone out there interested in doing a bit of work to honor the legacy of Bob Moog? If so, please email me for some more details and an NDA.

Thanks for the bandwidth, I look forward to hearing from you!

Lee Sebel / Online Education Coordinator
The Bob Moog Foundation
Posts: 1
Joined: 22 May 2017, 07:07

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