(sorry for my bad english)
Hello everybody
we love music and we (my wife and me) had an huge collection buyed FLAC and highres alac files
I have an R Pi2 b and use an Creative SoundblasterX G5 USB highres DAC with integraded headphone amplifier on the USB port. it works fine! (Rune reconized the G5 out of the box)
But today i have ordered an PiFi DAC+ (hifiberry clone) for the Pi2. i think thats better for highres audio files because it`s not USB.
The hifi setup i use is an yamaha AX 497 stereo amplifier (2010) without any digital connection, but the golden "cd/dvd" rca connectors says enough
The speakers are: setting A: JBL-LX2 2way(1996) and setting B: B&W DM302 (1995) 2way.
I was collecting (saving) money for an "yamaha network streamer" until i re-discover the Rpi2
I hope that the PiFi DAC+ don`t disappoint me and my wife