My Rune USB device will not automatically switch!

Raspberry Pi related support

My Rune USB device will not automatically switch!

Postby andre_chang » 13 Jun 2017, 18:36

I'm using pi3+rune 0.4bata

I have multiple external USB DAC devices, and I have a headache problem!
Usually Usb-A_DAC device will plug in the PI3 USB.

Sometimes when I need to test the usb-B_DAC device, I insert usb-B_DAC into the pi3., select the settings -->usb-B_DAC, and let the usb-B_DAC device work
When usb-B_DAC listened, I switched off and pulled usb-B_DAC out. (usb-A_DAC device is still plugged in!)

After reboot, the system settings can see the usb-A_DAC device.. but not play! No work!

I have to re insert the usb-B_DAC device into the system, and then select the usb-A_DAC device in the setup menu to remove the usb-B_DAC line...

That's why usb-A_DAC can work properly after rebooting, and it bothers me...

Is there any good solution?

PS. my Rune does not insert any USB DAC device. The settings will display "no device"
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