IQAUDIO selecting different inputs

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IQAUDIO selecting different inputs

Postby swiftpint » 16 Jan 2018, 15:23

Hi all,

I have an Raspberry Pi 3 with an Pi-Dac+ and a Pi-Amp+ which is working great.

My understanding from the iqaudio docs is that the pi-amp+ passes the audio signal to the amp via an 8 pin header which has pins for Left, Right, and a few other things such as ground, 3v, 5v etc. Could I put a spacer between the two hats to create a bit of space, and wire the Left and Right (plus ground?) to an audio switch (like this:

and then pass the audio signal back from the switch to the amp+ ?

This would give me the option to use the amp to power other inputs, e.g. line in, TV etc.

Has anyone done this? Any issues I might run into going down this route?
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Joined: 16 Jan 2018, 15:16

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