Ansible-based RuneAudio installer

Raspberry Pi related support

Ansible-based RuneAudio installer

Postby Colin » 05 Feb 2019, 21:40

Hello folks,

So, I've noticed that the latest images are a little bit old and trying to install anything using pacman fails because versions evolved and new packages' depend on newer libs than are present on RuneOS.

I wanted to build my own image and followed the cookbook found in ... okbook_0.5
That manual process seems very error-prone and difficult to replicate, so I made an installer based on it, that runs using Ansible.

This makes for a very streamlined process that allows to install RuneAudio from a blank SD-card to working in about two hours, without user intervention. It takes quite some time because there are a few packages different from Archlinux's, that need to be compiled.

Once configured, another script allows writing a .img.gz file to distribute the result.

You can get the code at:

An image generated using that installer is available at :

It should work on any armv7h Raspberries.

Most persons running Linux should be able to use that, even with no knowledge of Ansible.

Some things are different from the last images though, as detailed in the README.
Mostly, I didn't succeed building the patched kernel yet, and I dropped Spotify because the library from Spotify isn't available anymore and I don't think it's good to depend on non-maintained, non-free software.

Also, the RuneUI deployed is my version, which has a few layout and features differences.
That can be configured in runeaudio-vars.yml.

It's a work in progress, in particular I find the image a little too big, but I didn't start yet looking at what is useless and can be removed.

I hope it'll help!
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Joined: 14 Dec 2018, 11:51

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