Being an impatient person, I tried to get my pi 4 running as a Kodi client with Libreelec for Pi4, disaster struck almost immediately.
I now have a small fan installed and all is well again but how long till a pi4 version of my beloved RuneAudio will appear?
So I downloaded the nightly build of ARCHlinux for arm that is pi 4 compatible and did the same as when the rpi3+ came out with little OS suport..
****First I cloned the RuneAudio disk to an image (always backup when you mess with stuff!)***
I replaced the boot partition with Arch's, copied cmdline.txt and config.txt from my old RuneAudio setup, then the newer ARCH modules to /usr/lib/modules.
Bingo! it boots and runs RuneAudio along with the PI-hole server I run on it.
I have probably lost the 384kb patch but that does not matter so much as a server, although it is hooked up to an awesome oldskool stereo system in my workshop with a PiFi DAC+ v2. Sounds amazing!!
Happy for the moment until RuneAudio 0.6 beta arrives by which time bug fixes and supplies of pi4's should have arrived too.
It's amazing how much faster PI4 is especially booting to a system installed on an SSD drive on the USB 3.0
I have a metal pi4 case coming and a better fan, I am running the 5v fan on 3.3v which makes it nice and quiet and the idle temp is around 35C unlike the 65C+ when I first got it. I will post some pics when I finish setting it up. I am going to use double sided tape to stick the drive to the bottom of the case.
I have added a riser to the pi 4 to lift up the PiFi hat so that I could put a 5v fan in under the PiFi hat and I connected it to the 3.3v so it runs quieter.
I have ordered an Aluminium heatsink case for the pi 4 after experiment with different cooling methods.
I have one on a pi 4 Kodi setup I use on my TV and it keeps it below 50C with no fans running.
https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Aluminum-Al ... 2749.l2649
I also repaired a PiFi Dac v1 that I thought I had broken and it is running on a rpi 3b+.
For those interested I modified the Pifi's to eliminate the unnecessary conversion of 5v to 5v.
Look here for instructions: https://www.webx.dk/oz2cpu/raspberry_pl ... i_mods.htm
I will edit this post again when the heatsink arrives, stay tuned...
***Thanks and Kudos to the RuneAudio team for all their hard work too, hope this takes some pressure of their shoulders..***

- Pi4 top view
- 1570076310082.JPEG (186.35 KiB) Viewed 9407 times
- pi 4 side view
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- pifi dac v1 on a rpi 3b+
- pifi dav - rpi3b.JPEG (215.69 KiB) Viewed 9407 times