is this normal

Raspberry Pi related support

is this normal

Postby tsawyer » 28 Apr 2021, 21:08

first of all, great work on the entire project. not just the creation but all the bug fixes or additional functionality.

quick question. this has not seemed to caused any problems but I did notice this on 2 boxes during the update this morning (with a lot of ....... removed for everyone's sanity)

Job for mpd.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.
See "systemctl status mpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
MPD error: Address family not supported by protocol
MPD error: Address family not supported by protocol
/srv/http/bash/ line 171: printf: `%s': not a valid identifier
MPD error: Address family not supported by protocol
Failed to try-restart spotifyd.service: Unit spotifyd.service not found.

my only question is does this present a problem for anything?
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