24bit / 96KHz audio stream from laptop

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

24bit / 96KHz audio stream from laptop

Postby bob808 » 28 Aug 2015, 00:26

I need something that I can't find.
Basically Airplay (Shairport) at 24bit/96KHz. That is all, simple and powerful.
At the moment there are two options. Shairport runs at 16/44.1 and Linn SongCast runs (like crap) at 24/44.1. The latter has it's own software that installs on the laptop. But , there's a problem with it in terms of flexibility.
Another thing that I can do with Shairport, and it's really powerful, is to add digital EQ to my sound.
In fact I do that (in OSX) with Soundflower and Hosting AU. I set the sound output device in control panel as soundflower, then in HostingAU I choose soundflower as an input device, add the EQ filters, and the I can select to output from a drop down list to any output device present in my control panel.
With Shairport it works perfect, I have digitally EQ'ed sound sent wirelessly to my Raspberry Pi.
With Linn SongCast, the software detects if the Linn Songcast output device is selected in control panel. If it's not, it kills the network feed. Even if I select it as an output device from HostingAU, it doesn't want to work.
So I'm left with 16/44.1 from Shairport.
Any chance of bumping that 24/96?
Think of it...it's perfect as a solution, simple and elegant. Sending all of your computers sound, via wifi, to your raspberry, in 24/96, decoded by an external DAC to the amp.
Perfect and simple, with very few options to mess around with.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2015, 00:17

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