Save library search results to playlist

Raspberry Pi related support

Save library search results to playlist

Postby Ben3000 » 26 Sep 2015, 19:04

Hi all - I'm just diving into the world of raspberry pi & runeaudio and love it so far. I have a raspberry pi 2 + hifiberry DAC+ with all music loaded onto a 64GB microSD.

I'd like to search my library (which is a mess - files spread across many folders) and add all search results to a playlist. For example, I'd like to search my library for "Bill Evans" and add all the results (100+) to a single playlist. So far, I can only figure out how to do this one song at a time in the search results, which obviously is a pain.

I've searched the forum (or tried, anyways) and can't seem to find this mentioned anywhere. Is what I'm asking for possible?

If not, I'll post this to the feature request board.

Thanks in advance for your help

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