Problems adding a camera and Motion to a RuneAudio

Raspberry Pi related support

Problems adding a camera and Motion to a RuneAudio

Postby gearhead » 25 Mar 2017, 17:28

I have an old version of runeaudio. I have the root partition NFS mounted and have an attached camera, running the package Motion and AM using a couple GPIO pins foir sensing and also one wire. It has worked for several years like this. Well, I just compiled and updated all the rune packages and want to put this new version with the updated kernel on this particular PI. IN installed motion. but when I try to start motion, it complains of missing or outdated libraries. it appears that these libraries are associated with ffmpeg.

I am learning about Arch and am not too sure what is 'special' about ffmpeg-rune versus the regular ffmpeg. I read through the PKGBUILD file and it appears that ffmpeg-rune is a de-featured version of ffmpeg. I am sure I am missing something. Could I just compile a fully featured version of ffmpeg as ffmpeg-rune and update it on this installation so I can run Motion as well? What 'special features' are needed for this package to work in the runeOS?

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Joined: 25 Nov 2014, 06:04

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