tried to mount a DS216j Synology NAS for several hours today with 0.3 on a Raspberry PI 2 without any additional DAC. First I tried to make it work with SMB - no success, no idea why. Switched to NFS then, now at least the mount appears in the sources list checked green but the MPD does not (re)build - in fact nothing happens. This is really kind of annoying, had no problem to connect e.g. my LibreElec/Kodi to the NAS and to build the database there, in fact this was a matter of seconds while with Runeaudio configuration takes hours without success. Read a lot of posts in this form and tutorials on google but the only thing that worked was making the NAS appear in the sources list.
From my point of view it should not be rocket science to connect to a NAS - did this for several other audio and photo apps without facing any problems. I really like the idea of a lightweight headless application but connecting to a NAS should be a standard feature - and Synology devices are really popular and far from exotic. Can anyone help?