
Raspberry Pi related support


Postby J4K » 25 Mar 2017, 22:01

Hello Peeps,

I have a Rpi3 with Iqaudio dac plus, and a seven inch touch screen, pi power pack with splitter to pi3 and monitor, connected to a wd 1tb Blue ssd via usb. (not powered). for about a month or two.

So I did enough research to put the package together, set it up to run runeaudio 3 beta on the sd card, hooked it upto my hifi and off I go.

I've got 800+gb of music on the ssd drive, and it plays great, sounds brilliant.

But no, that's not enough, so I do more research, what else can the pi do, etc, and I start reading posts about the pi3 not being able to power the ssd drive, ie you get brown outs, lost data, and a little colored square on your screen type stuff.

Yes I'm a noobie to the pi and it's workings, last time I coded, was in assembler, (google it ;) ), Now this is where I'm Puzzled, I've had none of the above, no data loss, Nothing, But I thought, I've got a Belkin powered hub with four usb ports on it, (used it to run four 3tb powered sata hdd drives hooked upto a med 600 before the icybox.), and back on track, I connected up the ssd drive to the hub, and the hub to the pi3, and powered it all on, I could see the folder/file structure, but runeaudio would not play a single file, press play, get the album art and stop.

Remove the powered usb hub, connect the ssd directly to the pi3, and it's playtime as normal.

Can anyone shed any light on this? or did I misunderstand what I have read?

I would at some time in the future, like to connect three more 1tb ssd drives to the pi3, as my music collection grows, the pi3 suits my needs perfectly, so a working powered usb hub would be a must.

Sorry for the rambling first post (there will be more, no doubt).


PS I double spaced this Txt, to make easier reading, but the forum software seems to have removed them.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2017, 21:20

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