question: glibc vulnerability?

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question: glibc vulnerability?

Postby waves » 17 Feb 2016, 22:03 ... ulnerable/

Does this affect RuneAudio? If so, what steps can users take to fix/mitigate on the Rune device?

Edit: looks like yes since
pacman -Q glibc
says glibc 2.22-3 and the lwn page says that the fix will be in upcoming 2.22-4
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Joined: 31 Dec 2014, 10:33

Re: question: glibc vulnerability?

Postby waves » 24 Feb 2016, 21:14

I'll bump this. Ars Technica calls the bug "extremely severe" and write that "Researchers have discovered a potentially catastrophic flaw in one of the Internet's core building blocks that leaves hundreds or thousands of apps and hardware devices vulnerable to attacks that can take complete control over them."

I hope a Rune developer comments and say if Rune is at risk and if so what steps can be taken.
Posts: 125
Joined: 31 Dec 2014, 10:33

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