I have been using RuneAudio (the latest distribution, updated via GitPull) on a Raspberry Pi3 with a USB DAC. I have localbrower enabled. It has been working marvelously and I once again want to thank everyone involved for such great work.
I do have a few questions that I hope you can help me with:
(1) Is it possible under MPD Configuration to make it so certain audio output interfaces (e.g. RaspberryPi Analog Out, RaspberryPi HDMI Out) that I never use are not visible and thus can never be selected?
(2) When I attempt to Backup my settings under Backup/Restore Configuration, the browser page just blinks and goes to the top of the page, but nothing is saved to my hard drive. I am using Windows 10. This function has worked in the past. I have tried both Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
(3) I have recently been unable to do a GitPull update on the browser, although I did it from the console.
Let me know if I should provide any other info to help with these issues.
Thanks very much,