All I want to know is:
#1 Can I randomize my entire collection?
#2 Can I play it back from this "scrambled" order from the first track to the last track after stopping at times to play other stuff and then return to my random playlist and pickup where I left off?????
#3 If so where does the randomness come from? I assume the sudo-random number generator or a random file from the cpu platform or is there a more advanced option for randomness like or a hardware based true random number generator? (lots of entropy I hope!!)
I have a Rpi/Hifiberry set-up coming in the mail as I write this. I have never liked the random features of iTunes, Zune, Roxio, WinAmp and umpteen other audio players. I want, NO need TRUE randomness for playback and resume-ability of this playlist!
Short of these things, would this feature be implementable in ArchLinux?
Anal about Audio....Cayenne