Raspberry Pi 2 and Wifi issue

Raspberry Pi related support

Raspberry Pi 2 and Wifi issue

Postby sito01 » 17 Aug 2015, 20:01

Hi all,

Hopefully someone can help me!

I have a respberry pi 2 and a edimax EW-7811Un wifi usb. V0.3-beta running
I can hook up everything fine with the cable connected. The wireless setting look good and I am connected to the hidden SSID wifi network.
I can ping the respberry and it responses.
The rune GUI is working fine till I disconnect the LAN. There is no chance to get the GUI running. I still can ping the Wifi!
Didn't find a topic on that issue!
I hope someone has a solution to that problem?!

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Joined: 17 Aug 2015, 19:48

Re: Raspberry Pi 2 and Wifi issue

Postby hondagx35 » 17 Aug 2015, 22:03

Hi Stefan,

did you try it with http://runeaudio or with the ip (e.g.
Did you try to shutdown with both active and then restart with cable disconnected?

I'm asking, because avahi has problems then you hot-plugging the cable.

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Re: Raspberry Pi 2 and Wifi issue

Postby sito01 » 18 Aug 2015, 06:19

Hi Frank,

First, I tried with runeaudio, that didn't work and then I was using the ip, also not working.
It was connected with both on, then I shout down, disconnected the power and LAN. Then I powered the device up.
I did that a couple of times, but it didn't change anything.

BUT today I powered up the device without LAN and it worked somehow?! I could connect via IP, runeaudio was not working.
I don't know why, I will test today when I am back from work!

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Joined: 17 Aug 2015, 19:48

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