by boskisam » 06 Sep 2016, 18:36
Hi guys again.
I gave up on this for a while. But i want to do this again.
Tried newer images, tried even OSMC, but it failed too.
I tried burning image on other cards, and different programs (even tried dding the image on debian) but no luck
I thought it might be a card class problem, because the cards i tried were class 4. I bought class 10 16GB Sandisk card, no luck.
I still get a rainbow screen to the hdmi.
Power isn't the problem, tried 0.9A LG charger, 1A TV USB output, and 2A Oneplus charger.
To answer questions:
Are you getting the red led illuminated?
Are you getting the yellow/green led flashing?
-Yep, green LED flashes few times, stops for a second, and flashes several times again (and on, and on)
What did you use to load RuneAudio onto the SD card?
-Used Win32DiskImager on Windows, dd on Debian. Formatted card to fat32 everytime before loading image. Still no luck.
did this multiple times and redownloaded image couple of times.
Do you run the RasPi with a hat DAC (HiFiBerry or similar)?
-First time i tried to boot i plugged in fiio e10k dac. Second time and every after i tried to boot with only display and internet cable plugged. Even without display it doesn't give power to the ethernet port.