Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

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Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby rastus » 18 Oct 2020, 05:56

I have a Raspberry Pi 4, and am trying to get RuneAudio up and running on it. Been using janui's RuneAudio 0.5-beta on a Raspberry Pi 2 for yonks (long time, since 2016), and working just fine, but I now have a Raspberry Pi 4.

So, is it only rern's RuneAudio+R e5 that is compatible the Raspberry Pi 4?

Has anyone got RuneAudio 0.5-beta working on the Raspberry Pi 4?

PS: It would be 'nice' if the Dev's got involved with their creation (RuneAudio) once again, as there has been NO update for (four?) years now.

Edit: From the RuneAudio download page: Raspberry Pi 3(model B) Latest release: v0.3-beta (23/03/2016).

Seems every version of RuneAudio is in "beta" release only (except rern's version).

I'd say four (4) years waiting for an official release (or at least another 'beta') is long enough time to say, "It's dead Jim!"

I've tried the rest, and RuneAudio is the best... but, it's lagging behind. I don't know why RuneAudio has landed in no man's land (stagnate).

I use RuneAudio for it's ease of use (it's not complex to setup or use).
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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby Ears of Tin » 18 Oct 2020, 21:54

Rune is not just easier to use, it has more features. Try finding track times in Volumio. Try deleting tracks from a playlist with Moode.

I think RuneAudio+Re5 is the only version that runs on Pi4. And it runs well. Since new builders are buying the newest Pi it would be advantageous to feature +Re5 on the download page. Either that or update Rune 0.5beta for Pi4s. Perhaps easier said than done but I feel a great product is being overlooked.
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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby rastus » 19 Oct 2020, 04:49

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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby kolmberger » 03 Dec 2020, 09:36

Hey there,

I am completely new to Rune and have now little experience with raspberry in general. After finishing a Phoniebox for my daughter, I am striving for a grown-up version of an audio player. I really really like how Rune looks like an would like to test it out.

As I strictly stick to the installation manual, downloading the sources for Rpi 3b (I have a 3b+ though), I was frustrated a few days ago, because the boot hangs directly in the rainbow screen, checked EVERYTHING, but no success. I wanted to post that issue to the forum and ask for help, I get the impression, that indeed the development is not up-to-date. As a newbie, I get a bit lost, what to download the versioning is confusing and in the end, there is a different Rune GUI available (??), which has these +R ex characters.

It's really really bad, because I think the application is still wonderful!

How does the roadmap of Rune look like?

I am very appreciating any feedback on this.
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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby rastus » 04 Dec 2020, 03:35

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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby kolmberger » 04 Dec 2020, 11:20

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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby Ears of Tin » 04 Dec 2020, 15:52

Just my opinion, if you have Re+6 up and running I would stick with it. Rune 0.5 doesn't have anything Re+6 doesn't have including stability. Most problems stem from the new features that legacy versions don't offer and there's a bit of a beta testing process happening. Bluetooth on these players is somewhat cutting edge. Moode bluetooth instructions were too daunting for me to even attempt and Volumio bluetooth requires a paid subscription.

I regularly use Bluetooth in the opposite direction to play podcasts from my phone. When warm weather returns I would like to use Rune as a sender to an outdoor speaker so thanks for your question which I share. I can connect to a speaker but no sound. Probably some mixer/DAC settings need to be changed. Anyone?
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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby ceejayemm » 04 Dec 2020, 19:12


If you have RA+Re6 working stay with it as there is much more chance of you getting the things you need working with this version than any other. Just make sure you note the things you find issue with via the main Re6 thread at:


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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby FittEyes » 20 Oct 2021, 11:31

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Re: Raspberry Pi 4 + RuneAudio = ?

Postby Ears of Tin » 21 Oct 2021, 11:12

Just chiming in because some of my quoted text is a bit old. I currently use rAudio which has taken the fine work of the Rune team and greatly improved it. Download available here:

IMO it's the best system out there in terms of features and ease of use. I also use Volumio but prefer rAudio. When Moode releases something new I give it a try but always return to rAudio.

Regarding touchscreens rAudio supports them but I don't use. I prefer a small footprint system and my tablet or phone (or laptop) is my touchscreen.
Ears of Tin
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