Raspberry pi b+ and Nas synology = empty library ?

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Re: Raspberry pi b+ and Nas synology = empty library ?

Postby Zoce » 19 Dec 2016, 23:09

Go for AURALiC Aries MINI it works like a charm on the same network.
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Re: Raspberry pi b+ and Nas synology = empty library ?

Postby trigati » 24 Dec 2016, 11:33

I have this problem too on my Raspberry Pi 3 (model b). I have tried everything suggested in numerous threads on both this forum and Volumio's but to no avail (tried Volumio first but couldn't get past this issue so now trying Runeaudio).

I have a Synology Diskstation DS414 and am trying to mount a single shared folder using NFS in the latest version of Runeaudio on a Raspberry Pi 3 (model B) currently on LAN but with WiFi working. I get the green tick to say the folder is mounted, but nothing appears in the library under NAS.

On the Diskstation I have enabled NFS (but not NFSv4) and created a shared folder with a few MP3's inside to test with. I've given both guest and an account I've made called MPD read/write privileges and tried subbing that info in to the user/password dialogue when adding cifs/smb share in Runeaudio and then swapping back to NFS, which probably does nothing - but like I say I've tried everything!

In NFS permissions I've set the hostname/ip using a wildcard meaning any computer on the network should be able to access this share (i.e. 192.168.4.*) changed squash settings to "map all users to admin" and ticked every box to make the share more lenient.

On the Raspberry Pi, I've changed the "Daemon user: group" to "root : root" and tried putting a "/" before the share path but nothing doing.

I'm at a loss gentlemen - could really use some help!

Let me know if screenshots would be useful for diagnoses.

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Re: Raspberry pi b+ and Nas synology = empty library ?

Postby surfninja » 24 Dec 2016, 18:48

I just moved my NAS to openmediavault (RP managed) and made a few mistakes.

make sure you can mount on another local computer/laptop (assuming that is your music NAS). you might get prompted for a username/password. once successful, use the same info on your Rune install. if you have the password wrong, Rune can't mount the file system. You might need to enable samba on your nas. I'm using smb for all my mounts.

My steps where: build OMV, connect the drives, mount, share, add users/passwords, ... From my laptop, mount the drive and verify I can write to new mount. then mount from rune (don't forget the user/password). You might want to document your steps if you every need to rebuild rune (sd failure...).

there are a lot of threads about this so you know it isn't easy.
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Re: Raspberry pi b+ and Nas synology = empty library ?

Postby trigati » 26 Dec 2016, 02:32

Solved it!

Tried a bunch of things and have worked out a configuration that allows Runeaudio to happily mount and view/index NFS shares from my Synology Diskstation.

Note: although this config works, I'm unsure as to if this makes the NAS more insecure than necessary, feel free to critique!

On the RPI I left the MPD Daemon user : group setting as "root:root".
In the Diskstation's File Services settings, I unticked "Apply default UNIX permissions" in the advanced settings tab for NFS.
I removed the password from the "Guest Account" on the Diskstation by turning off password strength controls.
In the Shared Folder settings I gave the Guest Account read access in permissions - I did not turn on "Advanced Permissions".
Here is a screen shot of the NFS settings I used, note: I did not use the squash settings:


Hopefully this can save someone hours of frustration!

Good luck fam.
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