Raspberry Pi download file

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Raspberry Pi download file

Postby nic » 14 Feb 2014, 14:06

Comes through with a .gz extension . Instructions suggest this should come through as a .zip file . How do I get this onto the SD card ? I'm using a PC for the download


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Re: Raspberry Pi download file

Postby ACX » 14 Feb 2014, 14:31

Hi nic, I'm sorry but I didn't have the time to update the docs. You can open the file and extract the .img file with as told in the guide, or you can simply use . With the last one you don't need to extract the .img file, you only have to select .tar.gz from the dropdown option menu before picking the downloaded file.
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Re: Raspberry Pi download file

Postby nic » 14 Feb 2014, 23:45

Splendid ! It's working after using that 7zip unpacker . Up and streaming from the NAS within five minutes . Will do some listening tomorrow :)


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Re: Raspberry Pi download file

Postby ACX » 15 Feb 2014, 01:43

Good, let us know how it sounds :)
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Re: Raspberry Pi download file

Postby nic » 15 Feb 2014, 10:35

Yes , will put Rune through the mill once I have use of the front room :) So far have tried Raspyfi and Volumio and found Raspyfi the most stable , Volumio had a few crackles here and there . I did not notice any discernible difference in sound quality between the two . Have identified Kingston 8GB SD4 cards are problematic in the Pi which I believe was causing the issue I reported here a while ago . Sandisc cards of the same spec work fine .


Pi3 , Kali / Piano 2.1 (with dedicated choke input PSU) ----6SN7 beta follower---BUZ900P choke loaded source follower---Beyma 15XT in 230l cabinets/TPL150H AMT .
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