I did some quick measurements using an inline USB power/multi-meter, using a WD5000LPVX as an example, but first this...
From StorageReview.com, measurements of a WD5000LPVT, the interesting part is at the end of the article, a bar graph showing power under various conditions.
- wd_scorpio_blue_500gb_power_values.png (22.36 KiB) Viewed 1550 times
Full article:
Now, my own measurements (accuracy should be +/- 0.02A or better):
Idle 0.20A, ~1.0W
Read/Write 0.52A, ~2.6W
Startup 0.88A, ~4.4W (significantly more than LPVT version!)
The last reading is the only really bad news. A relatively low-power 7-mm hard drive with a single platter is using 3/4 of the current allowance for all four USB combined.That probably explains why some typical laptop drives work when powered only from a single RPi USB port, even though it technically exceeds the Raspberry Pi official current allowance by a wide margin, and therefore, not recommended.
Also, when the drive uses the maximum observed current during its startup, the voltage at the USB port drops to about 4.65 V for a short time, which is below the USB spec. This might interfere with the startup of other USB-powered devices such as a WiFi dongle. In other words, it causes a momentary brownout on power up.
With a better power supply (read, NOT a wall-wart), a good cable, and some capacitors for around $2 maybe, I bet the brownout would not happen.
P. (Ohm, ohm on the range.... oh, never mind,