Raspberry Pi via Hotspot?

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Raspberry Pi via Hotspot?

Postby FatalSheep » 24 Jan 2018, 06:59

I'd like to setup a Raspberry Pi 3 with RuneAudio via a phone hotspot. The idea is to have the raspberry pi on the go powered via battery bank or equivalent, then connect the pi to the an Android phone via hotspot. The reason behind this is to use the Pi on the go without the use of a home wi-fi connection.

As far as I know--I cannot determine this is possible until I've set it all up--but I still need to order the parts. Of course though this relies on whether or not Android treats it's hotspot as a local network including itself.

Is this possible?
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Joined: 24 Jan 2018, 06:51

Re: Raspberry Pi via Hotspot?

Postby janui » 26 Jan 2018, 21:51

Hi FatalSheep,
Yes, I think its possible. But I question the practicability. You should first try to work out how much power you will need to run a Pi, storage, a dac and WiFi dongle. And if it’s not for headphones also the amplifier.
You should get an answer in Amps. Add 25% to 50% to give some headroom. The battery you choose must be able to supply this current (at 5 Volts). Then work out how many Amp-hours (Amps x usage hours) you will need to use it on the go, this will give you the required battery capacity.
I have a feeling that the battery size (and price) will be your biggest challenge.
Don’t forget that a 10.000 mAH LiIon battery (in theory = 2 Amps for 5 hours) will provide you with approximately 65% to 75% power utilisation before it shuts down (= 2 Amps for 3 to 4 hours). And its utilisation percentage will gradually fall after each charge.
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