PROBLEM SOLVED, FINALLY!! I have attach USB -> Ethernet dongle to Zero and reboot Rpi. Then no network interfaces was on ifconfig. Pull out WiFi dongle, reboot, and there was ethernet with IP4 address! Put WiFi dongle back to USB hub, reboot and connect to Rune via web interface with Ethernet IP address. Switch to network and search for my SSID.Have found it, put wifi pass and press connect. There was green arrow that indicated that network is connected but there is no IP assigned for WLAN0. No problem, delete this network, create new and now connect to it with static IP configuration. Reboot, pull out Ethernet USB dongle but there is no connection
After a few try's I have found that TP Link TL-WN723N don't work with Rune ver.0.4 . Have put another WiFi dongle in USB hub and now I'm connected with my WiFi!
This (TL-WN723N) work with Rune 0.3, work with Open and LibreElec and with Raspbian. Why it don't work with ver 0.4? I think there is a problem with this Linux distro, because now I remember that I have try 0.4 version on my Raspi 2 and also WiFi dongle didn't work. It seems that it is working but no traffic goes through it.