I tried RawDevice's instructions on the Pi Zero W with mixed results. I wasn't sure about a couple of things, but this is what I did:
1. Starting with Hpeter's image for the pizero, I deleted everything in the boot partition and copied the new stuff from the boot folder of the firmware download. The link gave me a 404 error, but I was able to find the drivers at .
When I tried to boot, it said that "no filesystem could mount root" and froze.
2. So, I made a fresh hpeter image, and this time copied the new stuff to the boot partition, overwriting the old stuff. This time, it booted to the rune login. However, ifconfig showed no wlan0 entry. Systemctl --type=service showed no wireless service; when I tried to enable it with systemctl restart
netctl-auto@wlan0.service, it said something about a dependency was missing and to check journalctl -xn. When I tried to do that, it said there were no journal entries. I also had an entry from systemctl --type=service that "systemd-modules-load.service" had failed.
3. However, when I inserted a WiFi dongle to my USB Hub, that worked perfectly. But there still was no indication in ifconfig or otherwise that the internal WiFi module was recognized. I also had the entry from systemctl --type=service that "systemd-modules-load.service" had failed, but the wlan0.service was active and running.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? RawDevice, did you start with hpeter's image, or something else?