Raspberry Pi zero w portable music player

Raspberry Pi related support

Raspberry Pi zero w portable music player

Postby TommyWii » 21 May 2020, 15:04

Ok, total newbie. I would like to build a steam punk music player in an altoids tin. Is there a version of rune that will run on the zero w using blue tooth headset and a phone as the controlling interface?
If so, what version should I download, and can you tell me what phone app will work with it to control song selection etc.

Please and thank you! And stay safe out-there with all the nastiness in the air!!!!
Posts: 1
Joined: 21 May 2020, 14:57

Re: Raspberry Pi zero w portable music player

Postby Bert » 27 Aug 2020, 20:53

Dear Tommy,

I have Raspberry Pi zero w running on MusicBox. It is very stable, even after weeks not using it, it is always online. You can play local files and spotify. It takes some focus to get aquinted with MusicBox.

Originally I wanted to make a bluetooth audio transmitter with Balena, but that was not a succes. The Pi Zero stutters while sending bluetooth audio.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2015, 13:22
Location: Arnhem, Netherlands

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