Raspberry Pi3/Chord Mojo Enclosure

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Raspberry Pi3/Chord Mojo Enclosure

Postby rlsten » 20 Jun 2016, 14:25


I just thought I'd share an enclosure I made for a Raspberry Pi 3 with a Chord Mojo USB DAC running RuneAudio.
2016-06-08 17.55.40.jpg
2016-06-08 17.55.40.jpg (118.67 KiB) Viewed 4899 times

It contains the following parts, plus wiring:

Raspberry Pi 3 Mainboard
Tontec 3.5" Screen
Ergo Touchpad
5000 mAh Lithium Battery from eBay
Adafruit Powerboost 1000c
2 x Anker USB SD/MicroSD reader removed from plastic shell
2 x SD to Micro SD FPC Extender from Amazon
Up to 4 x PNY 512GB SD card(s) (2TB)
Adafruit Switch
USB 2.0 Micro-B Male to Micro-AB Female Adapter, Black, Manhattan 308755 from Amazon
Chord Mojo
3D Print Enclosure made of nGen filament

It is 130 x 11 x 43 mm and weighs 540g.

The Tontec screen is resistive touch, and is very hard to use, so I added the USB Touchpad.

It works pretty well; occasionally I get some unexpected pauses--I don't know if it is because of faulty wiring to the SD Card readers or power overload. But it sounds great.

Posts: 118
Joined: 25 May 2015, 18:06

Re: Raspberry Pi3/Chord Mojo Enclosure

Postby VW Darren » 22 Jan 2017, 16:21

That's a tight squeeze! Nice project. How does it compare to an iPod?
Have you had any issues with output volume?
VW Darren
Posts: 4
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 00:14

Re: Raspberry Pi3/Chord Mojo Enclosure

Postby rlsten » 22 Jan 2017, 17:08

Posts: 118
Joined: 25 May 2015, 18:06

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