RaspberryPi Newbie DIY AudioServer Advice

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RaspberryPi Newbie DIY AudioServer Advice

Postby clickdex95 » 29 Sep 2020, 14:56

Hi Folks-

I’m a Newbie to RaspberryPi, but having read a bunch of online faqs, I think I’m ready to try to build a RaspberryPi music server.

RaspberryPi music server requirements:

1. Inputs: ALAC library on USB flash drive or external USD SSD Drive

2. Outputs: SPDIF on Coax or Toslinq

3. Control: Ipad

draft architecture :

1. Main board: RaspberryPi 3-B+

2. AudioOutput: HiFi Berry Digi+ Pro

3. Software: RuneAudio

Questions for those who have done a RaspberryPi audio server before:

1. Is the RuneAudioPlayer compatible with the RaspberryPi 3-B+?

2. If not, is there another headless RaspberryPi audioplayer I should use?

3. Is there a better RaspberryPi version to use for this than the 3-B+?

4. Do I need an OS to run Runeaudio on top of?

5. Is there any advantage to buying a 400GB Sdxc card and storing my music library on the same card as the OS?

6. What else can go wrong with my plan?

7. Is there a better way to build a low cost (<$100) RaspberryPi music server that meets my requirements.

Thanks all for your help and advice!
Last edited by clickdex95 on 30 Sep 2020, 16:35, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1
Joined: 29 Sep 2020, 14:53

Re: RaspberryPi Newbie DIY AudioServer Advice

Postby ceejayemm » 29 Sep 2020, 17:37

Hi Clickdex95

Questions for those who have done a RaspberryPi audio server before:

1. Is the RuneAudioPlayer compatible with the RaspberryPi 3-B+?
Yes. I would go for the RuneAudio+Re5 version from the Raspberry PI sub-forum, works very well for me.

2. If not, is there another headless RaspberryPi audioplayer I should use?
Yes - Volumio, Moode etc, but why would you.

3. Is there a better RaspberryPi version to use for this than the 3-B+?
You could go to a PI4 but the 3 will be perfectly adequate

4. Do I need an OS to run Runeaudio on top of?
No, just flash RA to a microSD and boot from it, configure it, update your Library and you're ready to go.

5. Is there any advantage to buying a 400GB Sdxc card and storing my music library on the same card as the OS?
No, don't do it. Keep the SD card small - 4/8GB is more than enough. Put your music on a separate USB flash drive or a NAS shared drive. Then if (when ?) you need to upgrade your RA installation you won't lose your source and library

6. What else can go wrong with my plan?
Don't know, but the above is pretty foolproof. I haven't used ALAC files, SPDIF on Coax or Toslinq but if the HiFiBerry can provide these then you should be good to go.

7. Is there a better way to build a low cost (<$100) RaspberryPi music server that meets my requirements.
Not that I know of.

Posts: 131
Joined: 29 Oct 2016, 18:13

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