Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Raspberry Pi related support

Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby impeth » 24 Oct 2014, 15:54


In the changelog of the upcoming ρελεασε οφ RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Rpi is mentioned that it will support UPnP/DLNA capability.
Will this be only for OpenHome support?
Can it be used as a DLNA renderer through another DLNA server? (|e.g. JRiver)
If no, may be this is a good idea for a future release.
In this way another server and/or control program can be used, so Rpi can be used only as a playback device, concentrating on audio quality.

Thank you.
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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby ACX » 24 Oct 2014, 16:17

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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby dmantel » 30 Oct 2014, 16:52

Where do you add your DLNA server in the settings so the rpi can play your files?
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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby ACX » 30 Oct 2014, 17:40

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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby dmantel » 30 Oct 2014, 18:45

I was a bit confused about DLNA, thanks for your help :)
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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby Beechwoods » 11 Nov 2014, 00:00

Would someone mind posting a step by step guide to getting RuneAudio (v0.3 Beta) to connect to a DLNA source? I can see upmpdcli in the list of Playback sources but it appears to be 'greyed out' or unselectable. Do I need to install or activate upmpdcli somehow separately, so it becomes available? If so, I guess it's a matter of following the instructions on the upmpdcli page here: http://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli/downloads.html - I just don't want to break my RuneAudio setup as it's working so well now! Thank you!
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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby norpi » 26 Mar 2015, 22:26

I also wonder about how to connect to the DNLA source.
Rpi 2
Hifiberry dac+
I use the image from Hondagx35's posted in this thread the 06.03.15.
My Runeaudio rpi is recognised by my synology NAS and the music folder is indexed.
DLNA is enabled but the DLNA button is grey in the Runeaudio player list. How do I proceed on checking what could be wrong?

Mine is recognised by my synology NAS, the music folder is indexed but the DLNA button is grey in the Runeaudio player list.
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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby beershaun » 04 Apr 2015, 19:28

Hi Folks.

You need a upnp/dlna control point. I'm using bubbleupnp on my android phone (you buy it from the google play or itunes app store). You turn on upnp/dlna in the settings on Runeaudio device and It detects the runeaudio device. Then you need a DLNA compliant server and it detects your DLNA server (I am using plex) and then you can use the app to select the song you want to play on the server and the renderer (runeaudio) that you want it to play on. Voila you are playing music!

BTW the bubble upnp app is a really nice alternative to logging in directly to the runeaudio device and controlling it through the web interface on your web browser.

Hope this helps!
Raspberry Pi 2, Hifiberry DAC+, Analog out to my Onkyo TXDS-787, Polk RTi100.
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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby BorGreiner » 10 Jul 2015, 18:58

I am trying to connect aforementioned Bubble app to Runeaudio. But am failing. Can someone please discribe how it is done?
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Re: Rasperry Pi as a DLNA renderer

Postby BorGreiner » 12 Jul 2015, 14:53

Ehem... forgot to turn DLNA on in settings in Runeaudio. Works like a charm. :)
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