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Raspi 4 + PulseAudio in between my Xbox and TV..... : Raspberry Pi • RuneAudio Forum

Raspi 4 + PulseAudio in between my Xbox and TV.....

Raspberry Pi related support

Raspi 4 + PulseAudio in between my Xbox and TV.....

Postby RawWreckedEm » 18 Sep 2021, 05:39

I have been trying to come up with a solution that allows me to use a Bluetooth headset when I play Xbox. I know they have wireless headsets but I have some Bluetooth ones that I love And it would be great to use them. So my question is that I want to know if I can use pulse audio as as what I believe is called a pass through. I want to hook my Xbox to 1 HDMI port and then my television to 1 HDMI port and have the signal come from the Xbox through the raspberry to the television and have the audio extracted and sent through Bluetooth can pulse audio do that?

Sorry for the way this is written I'm using my cell phone and talk to text thanks
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