RaspTouch from Audiophonics (France)

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RaspTouch from Audiophonics (France)

Postby K5DBB » 14 Feb 2017, 17:05

I have one of the new RaspTouch units from Audiophonics in France. This is a beautiful unit with touch-screen display, Raspberry Pi 3, the Audiophonics ES9018K2M DAC board and the Audophonics Power Management Module for the Raspberry Pi.

I am really impressed with this unit. It looks beautiful in the CNC machined aluminum enclosure with touch-screen display. I ordered it pre-assembled with RuneAudio pre-installed on an externally accessible MicroSD card.

I have a question about the power-down from within the menu in RuneAudio. I made a back-up MicroSD card. I downloaded the RuneAudio disk image and burned it to a SanDisk 8-Gbyte card. I installed the card and configured my play list. When I went to use Shut Down from the menu within RuneAudio, the unit would re-boot instead of shut down. I confirmed this several times and could find nothing in the settings that would affect this behavior.

I re-inserted the original MicroSD card as supplied by Audiophonics and the Shut Down from the RuneAudio menu worked properly.

Does anyone have any experience with this problem ??? I have attached a few photos to illustrate the Audiophonics Power Management Module.
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Re: RaspTouch from Audiophonics (France)

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Feb 2017, 18:49

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Re: RaspTouch from Audiophonics (France)

Postby K5DBB » 14 Feb 2017, 19:54

<<< I wouldn't call it a problem. What is the reason for using the RuneAudio image? The image provided by Audiophonics is based on our latest RP2/3 image. >>>

The reason is that I wanted a Back-Up of the MicroSD card image. I used the standard tools available on-line to make a .IMG file of the Audiophonics 8-Gbyte card that was supplied with my RaspTouch. I then tried to burn this image to another 8-Gbyte Sandisk Extreme card. When I tried this, I encountered an error stating that the .IMG file generated from the Audiophonics card was a few bytes too large to fit on the 8-Gbyte Sandisk card. I tried twice, receiving the same error twice.

So, I thought that I would just generate the Back-Up card by using the standard RuneAudio image available here for download.

This image worked fine except that now, my RaspTouch would Reboot instead of Shut Down when requested from the menu inside RuneAudio.
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Re: RaspTouch from Audiophonics (France)

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Feb 2017, 22:08

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