RaspTouch implementation of Raspberry Pi 3 refuses to boot..

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RaspTouch implementation of Raspberry Pi 3 refuses to boot..

Postby K5DBB » 22 Jul 2017, 06:25

RaspTouch implementation of Raspberry Pi 3 refuses to boot into RuneAudio. It is giving an error message that says . . .

"PANIC: No working init foud. Try passing init= option to kernel. See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance."

"Entering kdb (current=0xb94b0000, pid 1) on processor 3 due to Keyboard Entry"

This is running from a Micro SD card that I received from AudioPhonics in France. There has been no problem with the RaspTouch unit booting and running properly since I received it almost one year ago. It has been performing flawlessly.

I scanned the Micro SD card for errors using a Windows 7 PC and it reported NO ERRORS on the Micro SD card.

Does anyone have any ideas? I am attaching a .JPG digital photo of the error message dump on the screen.
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Re: RaspTouch implementation of Raspberry Pi 3 refuses to bo

Postby K5DBB » 22 Jul 2017, 06:38

The file attachment is the error code dump from my RaspTouch implementation of RuneAudio on the Raspberry Pi 3. This unit has no keyboard and no mouse.
Raspberry Pi 3 Error Message 001.JPG
Raspberry Pi 3 Error Message 001.JPG (223.22 KiB) Viewed 1251 times
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Re: RaspTouch implementation of Raspberry Pi 3 refuses to bo

Postby hondagx35 » 22 Jul 2017, 19:54

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Re: RaspTouch implementation of Raspberry Pi 3 refuses to bo

Postby K5DBB » 24 Jul 2017, 04:33

Well, I solved my problem, but not in the most elegant way. I had previously backed up the 8-GB Micro SD card that I received from AudioPhonics in France that I received when I purchased my RaspTouch. I had backed up the SD card to a Disk Image on my Windows 7 PC. I tried to burn this image back to another 8-GB SanDiisk card and also to the original SD Card that I received with my RaspTouch. I used Win 32 Disk Imager to make the back-up image. I used both the Win 32 Disk Imager and another new program called Etcher to ATTEMPT to burn the previously saved disk image (which came from an 8-GB card). Both the original 8-GB SD card and the 8-GB SanDisk card gave me the error that the card was too small to hold the image. After some research, I found that I needed to shrink the image size of the back-up disk image using a tool on a LINUX computer. Well, I don't have a LINUX computer, so I tried burning the back-up image from the original AudioPhonics supplied 8-GB to a 32-GB SanDisk card. That worked! So, now I am up and running my RaspTouch on RuneAudio. I was not able to do all that was required to get the image to fit back onto the card from which it came, but it is up and running.

No, I was not able to add the RaspTouch-Specific drivers to the standard RuneAudio image. It was beyond my capability to work on the code to add the drivers. I will look into this in the future, but right now it is back up and running.
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