Thanks I finally got around to test.
I first tried:
raspyplay4-hw-volume-not-working-fix-t3121.htmlI could then select the appropriate audio interface on the MPD page. I could even play music. However the volume was not working (and it was VERY loud with my active speakers).
Then I the changed /boot/config.txt to look like:
# Uncomment one of these lines to enable an audio interface
But then I cannot select anything but RaspberryPi Analog Out and RaspberryPi HDMI Out.
When logging in I get the following:
root@'s password:
=============== RuneOS distribution ===============
____ _ _ _
| _ \ _ _ _ __ ___ / \ _ _ __| (_) ___
| |_) | | | | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| | | |/ _` | |/ _ \
| _ <| |_| | | | | __// ___ \ |_| | (_| | | (_) |
|_| \_\\__,_|_| |_|\___/_/ \_\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/
================ ================
RuneOs: 0.3-beta
RuneUI: 1.3-beta
Hw-env: RaspberryPi 2
However, the hardware should be Pi 3 Model B.
Kind regards