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rAudio eternal library scanning, remount NAS at every reboot : Raspberry Pi • RuneAudio Forum

rAudio eternal library scanning, remount NAS at every reboot

Raspberry Pi related support

rAudio eternal library scanning, remount NAS at every reboot

Postby Michelag » 03 Jul 2022, 16:18


As the title says, I installed the last version of rAudio and updated to the last available.

I succedeed to connect wifi and the NAS, but first issue, i have to remount it at every reboot.

Second issue, i start scanning the library, left it alone for three hours (around 900GB now) and nothing happened. Unfortunately there's no way to see the progress (no percentage shown, no folders shown under NAS)

Third issue, how can I open a terminal to import the radio .pls database to the Webradio folder? In Moode there's the functionality.

Would someone be so kind to help me?
I'm just a poor noobie :(

Thank you s lot,

Posts: 1
Joined: 03 Jul 2022, 16:12

Re: rAudio eternal library scanning, remount NAS at every re

Postby eea123 » 09 Jul 2022, 16:55

Can you ethernet the PI to the same network as your NAS? It sounds more like a WiFi connectivity issue.

I was initially having a NAS indexing issue on mine as well. I believe it is under the MPD Configuration, turn Auto Update off. I am running Version 0.4, so yours could be different. I manually update the MPD when I add new music on my NAS.

I never got too deep into the Web Radio stuff. In fact, I need to pare down the free stations now that I subscribe to Jazz Radio's premium service.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2017, 19:19

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