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Resetting Raudio 1 Database : Bug report • RuneAudio Forum

Resetting Raudio 1 Database

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Resetting Raudio 1 Database

Postby johnsch158 » 15 Sep 2021, 14:44

I cannot figure out how to reset the database in my Raudio 1 on a Pi4. I tested the database functionality by placing one album on a USB drive and had Raudio read it to generate a database so I could see how it handled an album that had two discs of songs in a single folder. When I disconnected the USB drive and connected my music on a different USB drive, the database updated everything except the albums - it still only showed the one album from my first USB drive. I tried rebooting, deleting the album and re-creating the database, searching for a hidden folder on the USB drive (mentioned in another post from a few years ago), but no luck. I looked for the db file on the Pi4, but I am using berryboot and could not find the file to delete. Can someone help me figure out how to reset the database? Thanks.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2021, 19:55

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